Maintenance and storage of the canvas top and cushions

Maintenance and cleaning of cushions

Cushion materials are designed for marine use and have UV-protected surfaces. Prolonged exposure to the sun’s UV light will eventually fade the colours and shorten the service life of the cushions. Long-term storage of cushions in direct sunlight is not recommended.

Do not store cushions where they are exposed to constant humidity, and do not let them become saturated with water in the boat. Even though the foam inside the cushions is protected with plastic wrap, fungal growth may occur on the inner surface of the foam or artificial leather.

Wipe cushions with a damp or moist cloth moistened with neutral washing liquid. Drying the wet surfaces afterwards is recommended. Stains can be removed using an undiluted neutral (pH 6-8) detergent. General purpose detergents, dishwashing liquid or special purpose detergents for marine cushions and upholstery may be used. 

Do not use solvents, petrol, abrasive cleaning equipment or scouring agents, or strong alkaline or acidic cleaning agents. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Detergents should be tried first on a non-visible surface of the cushion.

Clean your boat’s cushions and mattresses after the boating season and store them in a dry place. Do not leave cushions in the boat over winter unless the boat is stored in a heated space.

Maintenance and cleaning of the boat’s canvas top

Your boat’s canvas top should be washed regularly in order to extend its service life and make it easier to keep clean. Bird droppings and sweat and grease from hands can easily dirty the canvas top, so it should also be washed in summertime if necessary. 

The easiest way to remove loose dirt from the  canvas top is to use a soft brush. Dry bird droppings can also be removed easily with a brush.

Use lukewarm water to rinse the canvas top; if the water is too hot, it can cause the canvas top to shrink. For more comprehensive cleaning, use fresh water and a mild cleaning agent. Do not use solvents, and always wash the canvas top by hand.

Ensure sufficient ventilation and airing during the boating season. Dirt, moisture and poor ventilation can cause fungal growth on the canvas top.

Before the start of the boating season, the press studs and zips on the canvas top can be lubricated with a silicon-based oil to prevent them from sticking.

Always wash the canvas top before winter storage using fresh water and allow it to dry thoroughly. Store the canvas top in a warm and dry place, never in the boat. Never use the boat’s canvas top for winter storage protection.

The stitching and windows are subject to wear in older canvas tops. If the fabric is still strong and not broken, the canvas top can be refurbished. Please contact the manufacturer of the canvas top for more information. New canvas tops can be ordered from your Yamarin Cross dealer.  

Before transporting your boat on a trailer, remove the canvas top first or fasten it securely.